FFA History
To the founders of the Frary Family Association, the genealogy to their family branch, though simple, was an open book, thanks to the research of Hobart Dickinson Frary, which had been distributed as a typewritten copy to his cousins around 1910. The importance of the Deerfield, MA “Frary House” of Miss C. Alice Baker had been recognized by him.
In November, 1968, correspondence among Louise Collis Thresher, Thomas Creswell Frary and his brother, Charles Samuel Frary, Jr., all being descendants of Cephus Field Frary, established a mutual interest in the possibility of attracting other Frary descendants to a meeting that might result in a formal association. All New England and New York telephone books and others in Boston Public Library, as well as many found elsewhere on business trips, were examined, and a surprising 200 Frarys were located in this way.
The first bulletin to these “cousins” was sent April 1, 1970, and an organizational meeting was set for June 27, 1970, in Deerfield where the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association and later the Heritage Foundation, Inc. (now Historic Deerfield, Inc) was maintaining Nathaniel Frary’s eighteenth century house and several others.

FFA Founders
FFA Purpose
In 1970, the first meeting was attended by 65 organizing members and was chaired by Charles J. Micoleau. Bylaws were adopted under which it was established that annual meetings were to be scheduled and a journal and newsletter published. The following purpose of the Association was adopted:
The promotion of the knowledge and history of the Frary family and its descendants in America and elsewhere;
The furtherance of research on, and the recording of, the past and present members of the Frary branches from early times;
Assistance in the protection and preservation of FRARY HOUSE and its mementoes;
The fostering of family fellowship and awareness through meetings and publications;
The promotion of group activities by the Family in support of Family interests and welfare.
FFA Bulletins
Organizational Bulletins #1, #2 and #3 as typed verbatim from Marty Frary's original FFA Historian's records.
FFA Today
Since that first meeting in Deerfield, MA, the Association has fluctuated and now has nearly 150 members with two published Frary Family Journals and six supplements. The FFA actively supports a college scholarship, The Grace Adele Frary Scholarship and the maintenance and upkeep of the FRARY HOUSE in Deerfield. Frarys hail from all over the globe to meet every other year and share in our common heritage.